Miniscule Blue Helmets on a Massive Quest

biggest intervention in public space since chewing gum

The mass manifestation of 50.000 toy soldiers with blue hand painted helmets in public space implies that the potential of getting confronted with a heavily armed blue helmeted soldier is within reach of a global audience. Although it is obvious that the encounter is rather different from running into a real-life UN Blue Helmet, it might just trigger the same questions and feelings about their presence and deployment. Example is the paradox of armed peacemaking. The Hague (Holland) ‘International City of Peace, Justice & Security’ functions as their forward operating base from where they take off. This fits the discription as being the world’s fourth United Nations city. The open nature of the project has led to a fascinating variety of outcomes that contributed to the layered meaning. Eyewitnesses of the quest have submitted thousands of photos taken on nearly all continents. These reports were uploaded to (currently offline) and archived in a brick thick book. ISBN: 978 90 90259988-7 / 560 pages / 165 x 115 x 36 mm